Believe the Impossible

Many of my thoughts and ideas are born late at night as I’m going to sleep. Most thoughts don’t come to anything but occasionally an idea can lead to some of the greatest adventures you can have.

In 2016 I decided that I wanted to give something back to my community. But what? All I know is web design and IT. I live in a small rural village with many elderly people and I decided "Why not do an IT clinic to help people get used to the ever-changing technological world". It was well received and enormous fun. I met many interesting people and got to know them well. Fast forward to 2020 and the sessions I had run to help people communicate online became very important as Covid-19 hit our community. Thanks to the sessions many people had the ability to communicate via Skype, Zoom, FaceTime etc. It was great to see a small amount of my time helping people meant so much when they most needed to keep in contact with the world.

However, an even more extraordinary encounter at my IT clinic was meeting a very interesting person who came for some IT support. We got chatting and she told me about her life and charity work and teaching disabled people to ride, oh and her son-in-law was non-other than Lord Andrew Lloyd-Webber. I have now had the privilege of helping this extraordinary person (Who is a force of nature) and have been paid handsomely by seeing some of the best musicals at the West End by Andrew Lloyd-Webber. From a sleepy little village in rural Suffolk took me to see some exciting musicals at the West End.

What I’m trying to say is by putting yourself out there you never know who you might meet. And those encounters can be priceless!

Who knows what impossible things might happen to you if you're willing to believe in your ideas and see what might happen...

William Barber

Regardless of your companies size we can make sure you are getting noticed

Our approach is to create a visually stunning website that can be as simple as possible for you to manage or we can do it all for you. We also use our IT skills to enable you to scale your business.

Never do things by halves