Never do things by halves

I like to think that I will give most things ago. And I mean really try at it. It can be frustrating, time-consuming and sometimes wrong. Yep, I can get it wrong! But that's good as I've not really lost anything only learnt from it.

So when I decided to launch Caption Design I thought about what I really wanted from a company.

1) I wanted to speak to someone. I like to talk things through. I'm not a robot and having a conversation can save hours of endless emails in one 5 minute chat.

2) I wanted to know this person took me seriously. Knew how important my business is to me. My uniqueness.

3) I wanted the work to look amazing.

So that's what I did. I prioritised customer relations first which in turn made for a great looking website, because how can you make something amazing if you don't believe in it? I only design and build something that I feel I would buy into. And to date, I think I've had some pretty amazing projects as a result and have had websites and design work being talked about in top industry design professionals.

William Barber

Regardless of your companies size we can make sure you are getting noticed

Our approach is to create a visually stunning website that can be as simple as possible for you to manage or we can do it all for you. We also use our IT skills to enable you to scale your business.



Believe the Impossible